October 20, 2008

My Inspiration

Kelsey is my inspiration. Just look at this picture she drew of Papa on the longboard! So this is the story behind the picture.

My dad, who is "50 something" will never be old. He will be 80 years old and still trying to defy the laws of gravity and the natural aging process. He's fun, and spontaneous, and full of life. I love it. My kids love it. Anyone who knows him loves it. So he decided that he would borrow my brother in law's longboard for a while. He slowly worked his way into being comfortable on it. One day he decided he would go down a steep hill and have my mom film. Well, he soon found out that when you're going too fast on a longboard, there is no possible way to jump off and keep your footing. He try to bail and ended up eating the pavement. It was really bad! His glasses broke and were shoved into his head right above his eyebrow. He had to get 13 stiches on the outside, and 3 on the inside. He broke his arm, and still can't lift it a certain way. He bruised his sternum so bad he could hardly breath.

4 days later, with a limp arm, black eye, bruised chest, and sore body, he got back on the longboard and tried to hang on to my truck as I drove off. Oh the thoughts that go through my kids' minds. They just sit there silently thinking.

So this is the picture that keeps getting drawn by Kelsey. You can see the cut above his eye. I love it and just had to share.


Jami said...

What a fantastic picture and story!! I think it's awesome that your dad got back on after such an accident - what a way to show the kids not to be afraid! Good for him for living life!!!
hugs, Jami

Me said...

That makes me laugh even though it shouldn't. Ouch! Tell him at least to let his arm heal before he tries to brake it again! Dads are the best!

Stitchinwitch said...

What a cool dad although I can imagine if you tell your children not to do something as it's dangerous they will probably say 'but Grandpa does'

The Stewart Stuff said...

That is so darn cute!

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